The God Equation by Michio Kaku

Michio Kaku is a well-known theoretical physicist in the field of string theory. I decided to read his book about the God equation after I came across his popular videos and documentaries on YouTube. He…


Animal Farm by George Orwell

Animal Farm is a satirical novella written by George Orwell and was published in 1945. Summary The novella is about anthropomorphic farm animals who live under an oppressive human master, Mr. Jones. The farm animals…


1984 by George Orwell

1984 is a novel about a dystopian society that is characterized by totalitarianism, censorship, complete lack of freedom, nonexistence of individuality, and suppression of thought. If you have read Brave New World by Aldous Huxley,…


Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

This is a dystopian novel that occurs in 2540 A.D. (Gregorian calendar). It is about a futuristic society in a World State that is technologically advanced. Its inhabitants are not born, but rather manufactured in…