Best English Translations of The Brothers Karamazov

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There are several English translations of the Brothers Karamazov. In this post, we will list the main ones in chronological order and briefly discuss them. Please share your thoughts about the translation you read in the comments section at the end of this post.

1. Constance Garnett

My copy of The Brothers Karamazov was translated by Constance Garnett. I did not place heavy emphasis on the translation when I picked my copy, but I ended up with this translation because it is one of the most common and available versions. It was first published in 1912 and later became widely available. Some people mention that this version may not capture the details of the Russian language and Dostoevsky’s way of writing. The language is a little outdated, but the reading is still enjoyable.

2. Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky

This translation was published in 1990. With regards to matching the original Russian text and Dostoevsky’s writing, this version does the best job. The Pevear and Volokhonsky version is known for capturing depth and complexity of the novel. Although this translation may come across as too formal, it is still clear and readable. Avid readers who search for depth may appreciate this version the most.

3. David McDuff

The McDuff version of the novel was published in the early 1990s. The good thing about this translation is that it is more readable and accessible. Some subject matter experts say that this version balances the readability and maintaining the original text. The downside, however, is that balance comes at the cost of depth. If you are beginning in the world of literature, this may be a good translation to get.

4. Ignat Avsey

This translation is not as known or available as the previous three we covered. It was first published in 2008. The translation does make attempts to capture the writing style of Dostoevsky. This serves as a good alternative to the other three translations, but some readers may find that it strictly adheres to the original language.

Different readers may have different translation preferences. I hope that this post helps you pick the translation that best fits your reading style and what you are looking for.

By Nate Iwas

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